Nuclear Security Summit

美 [ˈnuːkliər sɪˈkjʊrəti ˈsʌmɪt]英 [ˈnjuːkliə(r) sɪˈkjʊərəti ˈsʌmɪt]
  • 网络核安全峰会;首尔核安全峰会;年核安全峰会
Nuclear Security SummitNuclear Security Summit
  1. One country that did not attend the Nuclear Security Summit was Iran .


  2. This week , I 'm speaking to you from our Nuclear Security Summit .


  3. Remarks by President Obama at Closing Session of the Nuclear Security Summit


  4. The meeting took place Tuesday in The Hague , after a two-day nuclear security summit .


  5. At a Nuclear Security Summit in 2010 , held in the US , Washington asked Tokyo to return the material .


  6. The meeting on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit next week will be the first between the two presidents this year .


  7. He will attend the third Nuclear Security Summit ( NSS ) in The Hague from March 24 to 25 .


  8. And I again want to thank President Lee and the Republic of Korea for agreeing to host the next Nuclear Security Summit in two years .


  9. Mr Obama hosted the first nuclear security summit in 2010 with a goal of " locking down " global supplies of dangerous nuclear material by 2014 .


  10. Mr Lee has seized on the issue just days before the visit of Barack Obama , US president , to Seoul for a nuclear security summit .


  11. White House officials say Mr. Obama will visit with American forces Sunday at the DMZ , making it his first event before a high-profile Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul .


  12. And that 's why I am so pleased to announce that President Lee has agreed to host the next Nuclear Security Summit in the Republic of Korea in two years .


  13. And I hope that sometime over the next two years , Russia will change its mind and decide that it does benefit - as do all of the participant states - in the work of the Nuclear Security Summit .


  14. I look forward to meeting with him again at the Nuclear Security Summit to be held in the Hague in a couple of days time , and I also look forward to receiving him in China in November when he visits China and attends the APEC Economic Leaders meeting .


  15. US President Barack Obama is seeking to increase pressure on North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapon programs by visiting the Demilitarized Zone ( DMZ ) on the border between the two Koreas on Sunday before a nuclear security summit in Seoul , Reuters reported .
